Saturday, 30 June 2012

No more excuses.

Have you got something on your 'to do' list that you keep putting off for another day? Or something you talk about doing, but actually never get round to doing?  If you have, examine why you keep doing this. Do you really want to do this? Are you truly motivated and committed to doing it? Is this something you feel you should want to do? Is this something that you wanted to do once upon a time but that no longer suits you? Face it, it can't be THAT urgent or you would have already made a start on it. Your life is ticking along without you making a start on this. Your life still functions without this happening. Are you really sure its still a valid goal?

If you're sure that at some point you do want to go ahead and do this thing, what is stopping you from doing it now? Is it lack of resources? Time perhaps? or Money? (both?) Is it too big a task to complete? Do you need to do something else first in order to have the resources you need? (like get a relevant qualification in order to start up a business, some research for your book, to complete a current project before starting on a new one?) Can you break up your goal into smaller steps and simply make a start on one tiny step? Are you  overwhelmed by the time scale involved in your new project? Could you break this down into modules, smaller chunks, tiny baby steps rather than thinking you're having to undertake say a whole  three or four year degree or writing a whole book right now. See it as doing a term, and then another until finally its complete. Or writing a page, or a chapter, or an outline. If you're wanting to completely renovate your home, concentrate on one thing, in one room, and then the next and the next until its all complete.  

It's really easy to keep putting things off, using excuse after excuse, but it doesn't achieve anything. It's merely a waste of time, or breath (or both) Instead of feeling guilty for not making a start, or thinking up ever more imaginative excuses for not making a start, use a little time to decide whether you really want to do this. If you do, great. If not, cross it off your to do list and do something you do want to do!!!! 

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