Friday 22 June 2012

Why 'contrast' can be a good thing..

Sometimes we need contrast to illustrate strongly what you do and don't want. It can also be useful to see what other people do and what they end up with. Like people who spend too much and end up vastly in debt, those who never clean and end up living in a big mess etc. 

At the  height of summer we feel too hot , yet in the middle of winter we complain because we are too cold. We need contrast to help us to realize that what we actually want is something in the middle, neither too hot, nor too cold. 

In life we need a certain amount of stress to keep us motivated. Too much stress and we get ill, too little stress, and we get bored and fed up. 

Having too much or too little of something shows us that what we actually want is balance,  a happy medium which is comfortable, with just a tiny edge to keep us on our toes. 

When we experience contrast it can help clarify exactly what we do want. It is important to recognize that everyone goes through a period of contrast at some point in their lives, it is how they deal with the contrast that defines them.

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