Whilst those belonging to the second group you can't get away from quickly enough. You might want to run away, but wait. What are the people from the second group showing you? How can they help you grow and develop? Could they be showing you parts of yourself that you would rather not see? Could this be what some people term your 'shadow side'
Everyone has a shadow side, some people manage to hide theirs better than others. We all have parts of us that we'd like to change, alter, or ignore. Why is that? We are brought up to believe that we have to be perfect most of the time, and acknowledging that we have a shadow side makes us seem imperfect. If you allow yourself to explore a little of your shadow side ,you can learn more about yourself. You need to be able to love yourself, warts and all.
Embrace your shadow side. Give it a little squeeze. What does that feel like? What are you so scared of? Do you believe that if you let your shadow side escape from its gloomy box, that you'll not be able to control it. Or do you think that having a shadow side makes you unlovable? Sometimes our greatest challenges provide the greatest rewards. We may need to make friends with our shadow sides in order to reach our full potential. Seeing the shadow side in other people can offer a reflection of ourselves. What are they showing you? Could you shake things up just a little bit, embracing a little of what they're showing you, to enhance your own life? Or is it easier, and safer to stay in our comfort zone, doing what we've always done?
Saying that, its worth proceeding with some caution. If you get with someone who is showing you too much of their shadow side, an imbalance can occur. In some cases, however, meeting someone who has values opposite to yours can lead to balance being achieved. Think of big spenders forming a relationship with someone who is more frugal, or a very bubbly person marrying a quiet person. Sometimes you need the opposite to you to balance you out.
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