Wednesday, 15 January 2014

What do you really feel? It's time to admit your true feelings to yourself.

How do you really feel? What would you like to say to someone that you're holding back on saying? Sometimes we don't allow ourselves to acknowledge what we truly feel about an event, a person or a relationship, we protect ourselves from getting hurt. So we avoid difficult conversations, we avoid saying what we really think, we block out our true feelings, all in the hope of protecting ourselves. But if we're brave we could reach out and say what we want to say, we could really feel the feelings we are trying to hide. Even if the conversation is difficult, it would be worth having. Instead of wondering and worrying you could come out and actually say what's on your mind. Even if you have missed the boat and you can't have whatever you want to have, it would be better than wasting your life in limbo, not knowing the truth. Who knows the other person might also be hiding their true feelings, scared of being rejected or hurt too.

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