If you have more time you could set aside a whole day to make a big difference, this could be throwing away old outdated items, sorting out your wardrobe so that the things you do wear fit in it and the things you can't fit into any more end up at the charity shop, on an auction site or advertised in your newsagents window! It could be looking for a new job instead of grumbling about your current job, or going for a long walk instead of obsessing about your weight!
It just takes one thing to start the ball rolling and before you know it your whole life has changed for the better. The clothes that are now hanging in your wardrobe, instead of lying on the floor, means that tomorrow before work you can find an outfit easily which means you have time to have a proper breakfast rather than grabbing a piece of fruit on your way out of the door. It means that you can spend the time you would normally loose doing something you enjoy
. Or alternatively doing something else which would make a difference to your life tomorrow. It could be sitting down and planning what meals you're going to prepare this week and placing an order with an online supermarket which means that the time you save you can spend having that manicure you've been dreaming of for months now. It means that you won't get caught out by sneaky calorific chocolate bars that normally find their own way into your trolley, which means that you save money and time and end up with great looking nails. This makes you feel better about yourself and allows you even more time to do things that make you happy.
All by taking one small step to make a difference. So make a difference today.
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