Monday, 22 October 2012

Perfectly Imperfect

Do you feel under constant pressure to be perfect? To be the perfect parent, the perfect child, the perfect partner, the perfect boss or employee? You're not alone. There is a lot of pressure, particularly from the media, for us to be always doing everything better, faster, earlier. To have more material things, a bigger house, a better car, foreign holidays at least twice a year. For our children to get straight A's (even better A star's) for them to pass their driving tests first time. TOO MUCH PRESSURE! Whatever happened to being the best you can be, trying your hardest and patting yourself on the back for doing a good job to the best of your ability. To be proud of what you had and what you'd achieved? What happened to loving yourself despite all your humanity. Despite the fact that you're tired with trying to be all things for all people, chasing your tail just to make ends meet. Love yourself anyway, you're perfect just the way you are 

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