Do you dream of writing a book but never seem to find the time? Are you always trying to get everything else done first before you start? Do the years fly by and you've STILL not made a start? Thought so.
1) Be honest with yourself. What is REALLY stopping you from making a start? Are you scared that no one will read it? That you'll spend all that time writing, and it will end up at the bottom of an editors slush pile, or being used as a coffee coaster rather than hitting the shelves? Do you think that people like you don't write best selling books?
If you can isolate what limiting fears you have, you can work to overcome them. As the reasons come to the surface look at them with interest 'Oh that's why, is it?' and let them go, don't start believing what you've put. Just because you THINK that no one will like it, doesn't mean that no one WILL like it.
2) Write first, do everything else later. If you really want to write this book you're going to have to shuffle your schedule round so that writing is the most important thing (aside from work and family). Leave the pots, ignore the ironing. Write first. Clean/ Iron later. Or even better..
3) Learn to delegate. You don't have to do everything around the house unless you're living by yourself. If you have family members living with you, get them to clean up after themselves, you'll be doing them a favour in the long run and also carving out time for you to write.
4) Create yourself a cozy, comfortable space to write. This could be a separate office or study if you have one, a spare bedroom, a corner of the lounge, the kitchen table, the dining room etc. Make sure you have all the writing supplies to hand and that the room is warm and inviting. No one wants to go into the garden shed with no heating in the middle of Winter.
If space is a problem, maybe get a trolley or a box to keep your writing supplies in. You will also need a table or desk, and a comfortable chair. Again make sure they're comfortable. You will be spending plenty of time writing so you need to be comfortable. Alternatively buy yourself a large sturdy bag and keep your notebooks, pens, laptop if you use one etc in it. Take it to a coffee shop for a couple of hours a week and write there.
5.) Look at your schedule. Are there times in the week you could put aside to write? A weekend afternoon whilst your partner watches the football/goes shopping? That time when your partner wants to watch a programme that you have no interest in? When the children are asleep? Could you get up an hour earlier in the morning or go to bed an hour later at night? Or both? If you aren't working at all you could set aside a couple of days or part days a week just to write. See them as appointments and if anyone asks you if you're free tell them that you already have plans.
6.) Switch off Social Media whilst you're writing. It's too tempting to keep checking your friends status updates, your followers tweets and your email. Switch it off. You can check them later as a treat.
7.) Write. Just get on with it. Spend some time every day writing something whether it is a blog post, an article, a journal entry, or your book. Make it part of your life, rather than something you would do if you have time. If you keep at it you will soon have the shell of your book.
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