You can bring new things into your life by visualizing clearly what you want. This bit is important. You need to focus only on what it is that you DO want. Let go of any images of what you don't want. If you know exactly what it is that you do want, you've got a much greater chance of getting it. Also if you know exactly what you want, you will be able to recognize it as such if you saw it in a shop, and you will be able to communicate to someone else what it is that you want. Cosmic Ordering is a bit like getting someone else to do your shopping for you.
Imagine you sent someone to the shop to buy you 'something'. They are going to come back with any random thing (or give up and come back empty handed because they have no idea what it is that you want) However, if you tell them that you want say, Jaffa Cakes, chances are the person will come back with Jaffa cakes, or if they're out of stock , they might come back with something similar, like chocolate biscuits or a sponge cake, or something else that will do instead of jaffa cakes. But if you'd sent them to get 'something' they'd struggle. The universe is a bit similar to this. The universe might be able to send you a new job, house, relationship or car, but only if you're clear that this is what you want and you can imagine yourself with it.
If you find that you want a new job, relationship, house or car, but you don't believe truly in your heart that you should have one, or even that it's possible to get a new relationship, etc, then you're going to give the universe signals similar to 'please get me jaffa cakes, erm no don't, oh yes do, erm maybe I shouldn't have jaffa cakes...' Very annoying. Either you want them, or you don't! Make your mind up! You CAN have what you want, don't let the age old ego problem get in the way. It doesn't matter WHO you are , you can have what you want, you just have to BELIEVE you can have it.
Once you've got to the point where actually you've decided what you want, you believe you can get it, then you must get ready to receive it. Receiving your order might come in the form of someone giving what you want as a gift, it could be that you happen to be in the right shop at the right time and find the exact thing you're looking for. It could be that you get a strong inclination to go somewhere new, or a chance meeting with a stranger who either is the exact person you're looking for or who has connections with the person who can help you with your quest.
Whatever you do, go out there and try to meet it half way, don't expect that it will simply drift to you, now you've got a focus, go and seek it out. Go and check some job vacancies online or ask your friends if they know of any jobs going that you might be suitable for, if you're trying to manifest a new job. Or if you're looking for love try either joining an online dating agency, asking around your friends if they have any single friends they could introduce you to, if you're looking for a new car, go check out the deals at the local car garage, get yourself a copy of Auto Trader or similar magazine. If you're looking for a new house, give your old house a good clean and declutter, go visit some Estate Agencies, see what is out there.
Don't forget when you do get it to say thank you. Just like when you send your nieces and nephews a present, you like to get a nice 'Thank you' ~ The universe too likes to be thanked for the things it gives you.
Repeat the process with whatever you'd like the universe to give you!
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