Friday, 15 February 2013

Want to loose weight? Get rid of the emotional baggage!

Some people go through life, feeling like they have the weight of the world on their shoulders. They take on ownership of other peoples problems, they feel responsible for the way that other people behave, as well as carrying their own emotional baggage. Then they wonder why they feel so tired, why they can't think straight. Leading to feelings of resentment and being overwhelmed. Not to mention the potential for drowning out some of these issues by an over fondess of food. So weight in effect becomes a dual problem, partially a physical issue, but also an emotional one. The quickest way to loose emotional weight is to hand back the responsibility to the person concerned, let them deal with their own issues. You can support and advise but not own the problems, these quite literally are someone else's problem. Do not feel like you have to be responsible for anyone else but yourself. Obviously a very young child will need more guidance and it IS your responsibility for now, but as they grow older the responsibility for their own actions can be handed back to them in a slow and steady manner. If your teenager doesn't do his or her homework, forgets his or her PE kit, fails to hand a piece of work to the teacher, this is THEIR responsibility not yours. Yes you can guide, but at the end of the day ,it is their life not yours and you have to let them do things and find out for themselves how to behave.

If you have problems dating back to the past, then decide if you really want to carry them into your future? Do these memories still serve you, or is it time now to put down the heavy bags of emotional baggage and let go, moving off quickly with a spring in your step? Is it something you can put down so easily/? It might not be, and if so it is a good idea to get a suitable counselor who would be able to work through these feelings in a supportive environment, so eventually the memories are deactivated if you like and can be left safely behind, or at least put into storage for now, so you're not having to actively drag them around with you.

By handing back the responsibility to the rightful owner, it allows you to move on in your life, feeling lighter and freer. It gives you space to work out what suits and serves you.

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