Tomorrow (1st January 2014) is going to be a special day. It's where not only is it the first day of the new year it's also the new moon. Both of these on their own are great days to start new projects, wipe the slate clean, start afresh, and start attracting to you the things you want in your future. Combined, the power is going to be enormous.

How do you go about getting more abundance into your life? Some people write abundance cheques and for them this works well. However I am beginning to think that there might be a better system. Cheques for me have always had negative connotations, especially if I have been on the writing end rather than the receiving end. So this year I am going to try a new idea. Rather than writing a cheque, (which can be a bit limiting especially if what you want to attract into your life isn't actually money, but opportunities, things, people, experiences, breaks etc,) I am going to create an order form instead. Just like you would if you were going to order something over the internet.
This way you can list all the lovely things, people, experiences and opportunities you'd like to attract along the way!
Be specific, it is OK to ask for specific things, it's not rude no matter what your parent's told you!
Once you'd written down your order, put it away and forget about it. Don't keep placing it, worrying about it etc. I have a little jar that I put things in when I need to 'forget' about them.
During the next few weeks, look out for signs and for opportunities that might come your way that relate to your order. Follow up any leads you might have, look out for great sale bargains on items on your list, make a call to a prospective employer, take any opportunities that might arise.
Make your dreams come true!