Whilst I can't exactly bring the sea to me (living 50 miles in land) I can do the rest, without having to move house in the process. The garden simply needed a prune, the grass needed a hair cut and the things that I had intended taking to the local tip needed throwing away.
The inside of the house was another story. I have recently discovered the concept of upcycling, or turning the furniture you're sick of into something more appealing by adding new paint effects or fabrics depending what it needs, giving it a whole new lease of life and if you're lucky, increasing it's value.
I had a dining table which I didn't particularly like, and it had been sitting in the garden for a while, waiting patiently to go to the tip. I had a bit of spare Annie Sloan paint, so brought the poor neglected table indoors, dusted it down and put some gorgeous Old Violet paint on it, and voila, it's looking fabulous and now fits in with the rest of the decor.

I've always favoured the individual look, I really can't bear it when you see matching furniture all from the same range, at great expense, whilst managing to be devoid of any character or individuality.